Recwell's Blog

At RecWell, Kindness Grows

On April 3, 2024, RecWell hosted its annual Kindness Grows event, where RecWell members have the opportunity to decorate pots, plant flowers or herbs, and relax with friends. Learn more by visiting our blog.

University of Minnesota Special Olympics

The University of Minnesota Special Olympics club offers inclusive sports for both students and community members. Creating opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics allows participants to grow connections, foster a community, and play competitive sports with their peers. Read more about it on our blog.

How Tri U Mah Has Been Connecting Families, Friends, And Fitness For 20 Years

Join RecWell in celebrating the 20th anniversary of Tri U Mah! We couldn't be more excited to host our 20th annual indoor triathlon, where competitors race in 30 minutes of swimming, 30 minutes of indoor cycling, and 30 minutes of treadmill running. Read our blog to learn all about it.

Celebrating RecWell Journeys

This year marks 10 years since RecWell’s addition of the South Building and 30 years since the North Building of RecWell was built. To reflect on RecWell’s history, I sat down with some of our staff to discuss the milestones and developments they have seen through the years. Visit our blog to read what they had to say.

Back to School Self-Care

As summer comes to an end, it’s important to prioritize self-care while getting ready for the school year to begin. Read our blog for some self-care activities that you can do before school starts to feel calmer heading into September.

men's crew photo

Men's Crew Novice Four Wins National Championship

The men's crew novice four team won the U of M's first National Championship since 2014 during the American Collegiate Rowing Association Regatta in Tennessee. Read our blog to learn more about their team and what it took to win.

Sam Capstone Blog Photo

The Importance of a Body Positive Mindset: An Interview with Recent Graduate Sam Fedderly

Recent graphic design graduate Sam Fedderly created a brand surrounding male body dissatisfaction for his capstone project. “Inspired by the success of women’s body positivity movements,” his brand, bruv, states that “we are proud to create an inclusive space where men can embrace their bodies with confidence and self-acceptance.” Read our blog to learn more about Sam's story and his capstone!


Women's Rugby Wins All-MN Tournament

In late April, the women's club rugby team won the All-MN tournament after a long season and lots of hard work. Read our blog to learn more about their team and this tournament!