Wellbeing Resources

Wellbeing resources
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Let's Talk

Let’s Talk is a program that provides informal drop-in consultations for U of MN students throughout the academic year. No appointment is necessary for these consultations, just drop in (virtually or in-person) during the scheduled times on the Let’s talk calendar. Let’s Talk is not a substitute for formal counseling/crisis resources and is not mental health treatment, but counselors can listen to your specific problems, provide support, help explore solutions and give information about other resources. 

Let's Talk is offered 2:30-4:30pm during the semester in the 3rd floor conference room of Recreation and Wellness. 

The last in person Let's Talk session for spring semester will be on May 15th. Let's Talk will be fully virtual over the summer. 

To get the conference room take the stairs or elevator to the the 3rd floor, turn left, follow the pathway till you reach the small hallway on your left (between the treadmills and ellipticals). The door to the conference room will be at the end of this hall. Please ask a staff member for further assistance in find got the 3rd floor conference room.


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Feeling stressed? Love animals? Pet away worry & stress at RecWell! 

PAWS visits the Rec every Monday from 12-2pm in MP 6th on the 4th floor. Click here to learn more. 

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SCS general

SCS general 

Want to explore mental health services at the U of M? Check out Student Counseling Services (SCS). SCS offers a range of free and confidential services for UMN Twin Cities students including: short-term individual therapy, groups, and workshops. Starting Fall semester 2021, many of our services will be available both in person and virtually.

SCS groups/workshops

SCS groups/workshops

Student Counseling Services (SCS) offers a range of online educational workshops, affinity groups, and therapy groups free to all UMN Twin Cities students. You will learn new skills and strategies, connect with other students, and share experiences in a safe, supportive, online environment. Groups range in number of participants, meeting time, and frequency.



Looking for some nutritional resources? Visit https://boynton.umn.edu/snac to learn abut the SNAC.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

You can meet with a physical therapist at RecWell! Please visit https://boynton.umn.edu/pt for more information on the physical therapy program.