Adaptive Sports
Goalball Open Gyms
Location: MAC Gym (4th floor of Recreation and Wellness)
Time: 1:00-3:00pm
- 2/8
- 2/22
- 3/8
- 3/22
- 4/5 (1:45p-3:45p)
- 4/19
- 5/3
All events are free and drop-in style, no preregistration needed.
Email for more information
.[email protected]
View photos from previous Goalball events
Wheelchair Basketball
Intramural Wheelchair Basketball Open Gyms
No upcoming dates. Reach out to [email protected] if interested.
Courage Kenny Adaptive Events @ RecWell
No current offerings.
Adaptive Sports Night
Adaptive Sports Night
Location: MAC Gym (4th floor of Recreation and Wellness)
Date & Time: POSTPONED (Date TBD)
Adaptive Sports Night (partnership with Exercise is Medicine Club) is back. Event will include a guest panel, goalball and wheelchair basketball.
Adaptive Equipment
Many of our pieces are multifunctional, are wheelchair accessible, or can be converted into a more adaptive piece. We also have straps padded blocks available. Please ask our staff for help finding a piece or assistance.
Cardiovascular Equipment
- Invictus Active Trainer (wheelchair roller)
- Rope trainer
- Water rower
- Upper body ergometer
Ski erg
Strength Equipment
- Free weights
- Adjustable cable machines
- Wheelchair accessible cable machine
Functional + Accessory Equipment
- Resistance bands
- Inflated fitness balls
- Weighted fitness balls
- Mats
- Blocks
- Straps
- Lifts in each pool
- Floats for adaptive swimming